Market Update: February 10, 2023

Market of Stocks

Weekly Market Update for February 10, 2023, from DeWayne Hall: Market of Stocks This is a market of stocks at present.  Not all stocks are acting the same. Some sectors and specific stocks have gone parabolic the past few weeks, and are overextended and in need of a pullback. Other sectors and names have been […]

Market Update: February 3, 2023

Stocks: Market Update for February 3, 2023

Stocks continue to catch a bid, some in a big way. Bad news is now good news, and good news is great news. That’s the recipe for a nice run.

Stock Market Rally Market Update: January 27, 2023

Stock market rally: active investors proceed if you dare, but stay alert.

Weekly Market Update for January 27, 2023, from DeWayne Hall: Stock Market Rally There is little to add to last week’s commentary. Stocks are catching a bid in what looks to be another bear stock market rally. From a technical perspective, there may be further to run, but not a lot further. Approach any stock […]

Weekly Market Update: January 20, 2023

Pullback is the topic in this week's market update

Weekly Market Update for January 20, 2023, from DeWayne Hall: The Pullback With companies beginning to report their 4th Quarter earnings, or lack thereof, and Janet Yellen reporting yesterday the U.S. Treasury has initiated “extraordinary measures” as the debt ceiling was hit once again, one would assume the stock market would be dropping like a […]

Weekly Market Update: January 13, 2023

Bear market rally Weekly Market Update January 13, 2023

Weekly Market Update for January 13, 2023, from DeWayne Hall: The Bear Market The stock market is putting on a pretty good show as we start the new year. In the early weeks of 2023, stocks are breaking above some pretty strong resistance levels. Traders are feeling good, bad news is good news, and good […]